NDP 2008 1
NDP 2008 2
Desktop FULL: Result of "Chiong" MR (Market Research) & ER (Employment Relations)
After chionging ER, need R & R! (ECP)
As usual, my fav. photoshoot~
My August Summary:
A very sporty August this year with the Olympics going on! And my August is really like an Olympic marathon event for me as I had test and projects datelines due this month! But still Olympic events are worth catching! The determination of Olympians did serve as a form of motivation for me during this period, especially American swimmer, Michael Phelps! He's 23 this year, same age as me, a few days borned before me, yet is a 8-Gold Medalist! My favourite words to my OG mate, Ghaz, who is also 23 this year, therefore had become: "We are 23, Michael Phelps is also 23. What are we doing here?" Haha! Sounds abit demoralising and sacaristic but my main purpose of saying this is to encourage and motivate! Hopes it helps in a way or another! Haha! Congrats to Beijing, China for her success in organising the Beijing Olympics 2008! Hope Singapore can be as successful or even more when holding the 1st Youth Olympic in 2010!
By the way, not forgetting: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SINGAPORE! =O)