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OH! What A September!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Reported @11:59 PM

zOoOmZ & sUrPrIsE sEpTeMbEr! check out my summarised summary 4 sep using pics:

World's 1st F1 Night Race: Singapore Grand Pix

Sep Baby 1: Happy Birthday to Wei Ying!

Sep Baby 2: Happy Birthday, GhaZ!

Lovely evening photoshoot taken by me~

Pics taken from Cable Car~

3 different drinks on a cable car (from left): white wine, red wine & ice water~
My September Summary:
This year's September's really full of surprises! For Singapore, we had successfully organised and held the World's very 1st F1 street night race! It was really spine-thrilling while watching the final race live via television! Furthermore, the race was held at Marina area, which is like so near to my place, yet i cant watch it live. But is ok, cause the roars of the engines could be heard clearly from my house! What a compensation! Unexpected incidents turn the table around in races like this and this is the excitement of it! I'm however a neutral supporter in this race. For a car "semi-enthu" like me, i'm sure goona catch F1 live at Marina probably next year! So should start planning and saving now! Haha! As i'm typing this post, the roars of the engines are still being heard clearly in my mind! Haha! "Psychotic" me! =O)

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